
Howto Pass Build Info into Docker
6 minutes

When we build a Docker image of our application, we already know which version of the application will be in it. But often we don’t bother passing this information inside the container. Especially when it comes to web applications. However, this can be useful. For example, for error monitoring, it will definitely be helpful to know which version of the application crashed and when it was built.

In this article, I’ll explain how to pass information about the application version inside the container. This applies to applications in Go as well as web applications in Node.js. I’ll also show how to use this information inside the container.

Golang Project Structure
8 minutes

I came to Go about a year ago. I write in it in my spare time and I like it. I think it’s a very good language for both beginners in IT and those who already have programming experience. To date, I use Go in my personal projects and in professional work.

After a year of using the language in production, I can confidently say that Go has only shown itself from the best side. Having mainly Javascript developers in the team, I had no difficulties in introducing them to the course of things. The readability and simplicity of the language allows you to quickly understand the code. But I wouldn’t say that Go is a simple language.